Hey I made it! I am a Baby Boomer.

Hey I made it! I am a Baby Boomer.


Well. Where do you go to get On Line Business Help?

There are hundreds and hundreds of people on line that will sell you a plan to start an internet business. Each and ever one will tell you that their plan is the best.

OK. Been there, done that. Really. I have been trying to find a way to make money on line for a long time.

WOW. This Training I am going to tell about is giving away 2, yep, 2 fully functional websites for ABSOLUTELY NO COST TO YOU.  Does not matter if you stay with the Training or Not.  Sign up and take these two sites for your very own.

Take a trip here.  Sign up today for those 2 websites, and a tutorial on “HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON LINE”  Follow this link.


On Line Scams

When I started looking on line for a Business Plan I was a “Babe in The Woods”. It happens to all of us. Even if you know something about computers and how to get on line it doesn’t matter. Every body has to learn from some one that has the experience in on line Marketing. If not, your whole universe is taken up trying to figure out how to get started—-BURN OUT will take it’s toll.




I have bought programs and signed up for programs that simply went no where. They usually were old and out dated materiel. Some were up to date, but there was no training in how to use the programs. If they had help it was from India and I don’t speak Indian.

A Lot of programs out there are sold and aren’t worth anything. You just lost your money. Some tell you they are giving you a 5 or 600 dollar program for your email address. If these programs are worth so much, why are they giving them away? No backup, no training, no help.

On Line Business Advice

The best place to find On Line Business Advice is from a training program of some kind. I found Wealthy Affiliate University my best choice.

Check out this link here and read a review from one of our members.

Advertisers and Marketing Plans



I get advertisers sending me information on Marketing Plans all the time. I found with this community to draw advice from, there is no better. These people are willing to help when ever they can. 10,000 people to ask questions from. Make online friends from across the world. We are all here to get an online business started and we are all willing to help when ever we can.

Starting Your Own Business

You got to have TRAINING. Some one some where has to tell you how to do it. This university takes you by the hand and leads you step by step to starting your own business. You can’t fail with help like this. Dog grooming supplies. Health care training. Business plans. Selling Cars, Online games, Designing Web pages, Advertising for your neighborhood plumber. You name it, start a business in anything, because this University applies.

This training and university will guide you on your way. Take a look at this link and take a test drive. There are two free professionally designed website you get just for taking the test drive. These sites are ready to be put online and are complete Word Press sites ready for you to start making money. If you don’t do anything else get these websites. No cost or obligation to you.

Follow this link and sign up for 7 days of FREE Training and TWO FREE, completely set up Word Press Sites.

You are serious about making money online and WE at Wealthy Affiliate will guide you ALL THE WAY to SUCCESS.

Home based businesses

Baby Boomers enjoying retirement

Baby Boomers enjoying retirement


The Small Business Administration has a very good list of small home based businesses they will help you with. Take a look at this review from TJ Book, one of our long time members. His blog is on the latest SBA conference and encourges you to sign on and get their latest Business Plan. Click on this link here. Google home businesses and you will get several possibilities here.

Just check out any leads you get to make sure these are good possibilities. Some charge a fee to get into these business, and some don’t. I believe I am affiliated with one of the best home based businesses around.

Check out the stats here before you make any finale decisions. Be sure and check out as many reviews as you can and ask lots of questions.

Baby Boomers Retiring

Their are about 10,000 Baby Boomers a day retiring, and this trend will continue for about another 20 years. Baby Boomers with this many retiring will reinvent retirement. Boomers are remaining active and Living longer and staying employed way beyond age 65.

The new survey’s today on the Boomers retiring says 76% of retirees will remain working and earning in retirement. They expect to retire around 64 and then launch into new careers after leaving their current jobs.

Baby boomers will create a new life stage. Life expectancy for 65 has increased 7 + years and continues to get longer. Living longer Boomers plan to work longer, and are not planning the quiet life at home any longer.

Living Longer

Hey. Fellow Boomers think about Business Plans for Small Business, or Service Business Plan, or Internet Business Plan. For home business and second in comes you can’t beat training with an internet university. Supplement that retirement income with some income of your own. Take the plunge and check these programs out.

Hey Gang. We have about another 20 to 30 years we can do something with. We are living a lot longer than they ever thought we would. Let’s do something with it

Contact me anytime at:

Please E-mail and let me know what you think about our system and the community here at the university.

Best of Wishes and Welcome to Retirement.

I love my Retirement. Love working my vegetable garden and working with my Boar Goats here in central Texas. Email any Time.

Happy Trails, Ya’ll

To Your Success…………..Frank


  1. Rick

    Thank you so much Frank. I loved reading your bio and what it is you are about. As a boomer myself I agree with most everything you mention on this great website. I have bookmarked you to favorites and will be visiting regularly.


    1. Frank Atkinson Post author

      Thank you Rick, I am glad you found value in my blog. I am trying to share information and tips for Baby Boomers. Some are retiring at a rate of about 10,000 a day, and some of us can’t afford to retire. I thought being a Boomer my self I would share information about some work at home jobs and how to start with Wealthy Affiliate to guide, and train us to build our very own Internet Business. A lot of us Boomers are living on Social Security, OUR MONEY by the way and not the Governments, and a second income would be very helpful.
      Thanks again Rick for visiting
      Happy Trails and have a good weekend…………..Frank


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